Archives: <span>Services</span>

Wrap Up Insurance Solutions, Inc.

Feasibility Analysis

September 22, 2016 / By admin

We can advise on types, sizes, states of projects that are eligible for a Wrap Up whether it is for a Workers Compensation/General Liability Wrap or just a General Liability Only Wrap Ups. We can prepare Pro-Formas based on our vast contractor database, industry information and current insurance market pricing, to help you and your […]

Contract Facilitation

September 22, 2016 / By admin

Review and facilitate the development of generally accepted Contract Language and Communicate the intention of the with Owners and General Contractors After determining that a project is feasible for a Wrap Up, we can work with the project team on Contract Language and Communications between the construction parties.

Placement Advice & Marketing Guidance

September 22, 2016 / By admin

We work with our agent partners and their established carrier relationships as well as assist in introducing them to new carriers as identified in the Feasibility stage. We can provide the communication and consulting guidance to these niche Wrap Up Insurance underwriters as requested and/or required. We can advise on the best coverage’s, terms and […]

Claims and Safety

September 22, 2016 / By admin

We can assist our agent partners in the oversight of these two critical areas of successful Wrap Ups. We have an extensive partner network and internal staff members that will make sure you have the needed resources to support and enhance your Safety and Claims program.

Consulting & Audit Services

August 30, 2016 / By admin

We can provide consultative services for your clients that may not be purchasing a Wrap Up, but would need assistance and guidance on projects they are involved with that are in Wrap Ups. We also can perform Audits of existing or completed Wrap Up programs on behalf of the Wrap Up Sponsor.


August 30, 2016 / By admin

General Liability Only Wraps- this product has re-emerged over the past few years to meet the various coverage and control needs of insurance buyers. These Wraps are geared towards smaller projects (as low as $2,000,000 in construction value) that normally wouldn’t qualify for the “large” combined Workers Compensation/ Liability Wrap up, or meet a coverage […]

Building Constructions

August 30, 2016 / By admin

Building Constructions Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nstrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur […]


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